A brand new way to train creativity in corporations

Methods for creativity focus on the processes, but creativity comes from intuition. When you learn to practice creativity from intuition everything becomes more simple, natural and rewarding.

We teach you to apply intuition to creativity to:



Build creative

The intuitive mind
is the creative mind

The intuitive mind is the creative mind

“It is with logic that we prove,
it is with intuition that we invent.”

Henri Poincaré

Scientists discovered that we have ‘two minds in one brain’: the ‘intuitive mind’ and the ‘analytical mind’. The intuitive mind is the mind that generates ideas.
So, it is at the basis of creativity, problem solving and innovation. Get ready for a whole new way to train creativity in business.

Intuition generates breakthrough innovation

Cognitive psychologist Gary Klein has studied 120 real cases of radical innovation, discovery, and invention. In his analysis he discovered that all cases had one thing in common: an unexpected “flash of illumination” when a new idea or a solution would suddenly become evident.  When everyone has the same data, it is intuition that allows you to make the creative leap.

Intuition makes creativity simple

Intuitive creativity is based on principles, not techniques. When people understand the principles of a discipline, it will become part of their mindset and they will be able to apply it intuitively. This way people use it.
As a result creativity can spread throughout the company.

Sensing is the only method that trains creativity at 360°. People practicing Sensing® to solve problems develop the cognitive abilities that underlie creativity.

Sensing is the only method that trains creativity at 360°. People practicing Sensing® to solve problems develop the cognitive abilities that underlie creativity.

Intuition develops creativity at 360°

“Creativity is an expression of self”
Sir John Hegarty

When people ‘sense’ they re-connect deep within with their authentic self – the source of their creativity.

In that way as people use Sensing® to solve problems, they develop the cognitive abilities that underlie creativity.

Our idea of creativity is simple:
if intuitive thinking is the source of creativity, teaching creativity from intuition is the most simple, direct and effective way to teach creativity.